Robotics, Vision, and Assistive Technology

Journal Papers

  • C.-I Huang, S.-F. Chou, L.-W. Liou, N. A. Moy, C. Ahn, C.-R. Wang, H.-C. Wang, and L.-F. Yu (2024) “An Evaluation Framework of Human-robot Teaming for Navigation Among Movable Obstacles via Virtual Reality-based Interactions,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 9(4), 3411-3418. Paper Project

  • C.-I Huang, Y.-Y. Huang, J.-X. Liu, Y.-T. Ko, H.-C. Wang*, K.-H. Chiang, L.-F. Yu (2023) “Fed-HANet: Federated Visual Grasping Learning for Human Robot Handovers,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 8(6), 3772-3779. Paper Project

  • H.-C. Wang*, S.-C. Huang, P.-J. Huang, K.-L. Wang, Y.-C. Teng, Y.-T. Ko, D. Jeon and I-C. Wu.(2023) "Curriculum Reinforcement Learning from Avoiding Collisions to Navigating among Movable Obstacles in Diverse Environments," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 8(5), 2740-2747. Paper

  • F. Zocco, T.-C. Lin, C.-I Huang, H.-C. Wang, M. O. Khyam, and M. Van.(2023) "Towards More Efficient EfficientDets and Real-Time Marine Debris Detection," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 8(4), 2134-2141. Paper

  • C.L. Lu, J.-T. Huang, C.-I Huang, C.-C. Hsu, P. Chang, Z. Ewe, P.-J. Huang, P.-L. Li, B.-H. Wang, L. Yim, S.-C. Huang, M. Bai, & H.-C. Wang* (2022). "A Heterogeneous Unmanned Ground Vehicle and Blimp Robot Team for Search and Rescue using Data-driven Autonomy and Communication-aware Navigation," Field Robotics.2, 557-594. PDF

  • J.-T. Huang, C.-L. Lu, P.-K. Chang, C.-I Huang, C.-C. Hsu, Z. L. Ewe, P.-J. Huang, and H.-C. Wang* (2021)"Cross-Modal Contrastive Learning of Representations for Navigation using Lightweight, Low-Cost Millimeter Wave Radar for Adverse Environmental Conditions," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). 6(2), 3333-3340. [9362209]. Paper Project

  • C.-L. Lu, Z.-Y. Liu, J.-T. Huang, C.-I Huang, B.-H. Wang, Y. Chen, N.-H. Wu, H.-C. Wang*, L. Giarre, P.-Y. Kuo (2021) "Assistive Navigation using Deep Reinforcement Learning Guiding Robot with UWB/Voice Beacons and Semantic Feedbacks for Blind and Visually Impaired People," Frontier in Robotics and AI. Project

  • H.-K. Huang, N.-C. Lin, L. Barrett, D. Springer, H.-C. Wang, M. Pomplun, and Yu, L.-F. (2018) "Automatic Optimization of Wayfinding Design," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 2516-2530, 1 Sept. 2018, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2017.2761820. Paper

  • Peer-reviewed Conference Proceeding Papers

  • H.-G. Cao, I Lee, B.-J. Hsu, Z.-Y. Lee, Y.-W. Shih, H.-C. Wang, I-C. Wu*, "Image-Based Regularization for Action Smoothness in Autonomous Miniature Racing Car with Deep Reinforcement Learning," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2023), Paper

  • L.-S. Yim, Quang TN Vo, C.-I. Huang, C.-R. Wang, Wren McQueary H.-C. Wang*, Haikun Huang, and L.-F. Yu (2022) "WFH-VR: Teleoperating a Robot Arm to set a Dining Table across the Globe via Virtual Reality," Accepted by IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Preprint

  • N.-C. Lin, Y.-C. Hsiao, Y.-W. Huang, C.-T. Hung, T.-K. Chuang, P.-W. Chen, J.-T. Huang, C.-C. Hsu, A. Censi, M. Benjamin, C.-F. Chen, and H.-C. Wang* (2019) "Duckiepond: An Open Education and Research Environment for a Fleet of Autonomous Maritime Vehicles," Accepted by IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Preprint

  • Y.-S Su, S.-H Lu, Po-Sheng Ser, W.-T. Hsu, W.-C. Lai, Biao Xie, H.-M. Huang, T.-Y. Lee, H.-W. Chen, H.-C Wang, L.-F. Yu (2019) "Pose-Aware Placement of Objects with Semantic Labels - Brandname-based Affordance Prediction and Cooperative Dual-Arm Active Manipulation," Accepted by IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
    pp. 4760-4767, doi: 10.1109/IROS40897.2019.8967755. Paper

  • R. Alghofaili, Y. Sawahata, H. Huang, H.-C. Wang, T. Shiratori, L.-F. Yu. (2019) "Lost in Style: Gaze-driven Adaptive Aid for VR Navigation," Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Glasgow. Paper

  • N.-C. Lin, S.-H. Liu, Y.-W. Huang, Y.-S. Su, C.-L. Lu, W.-T. Hsu, L.-W. Chiu, S. Teng, L. Giarré, H.-C. Wang. (2019) "Toward an Open Platform of Blind Navigation via Interactions with Autonomous Robots," In ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) - Blind Navigation Workshop, Glasgow. Paper Workshop Link

  • A. Censi, L. Paull*, J. Tani, T. Ackermann, O. Beijbom, B. Berkai, G. Bernasconi, A. K. Bowser, S. Bing, P.-W. Chen, Y.-C. Chen, M. Chevalier-Boisvert, B. Considine, J. D. Castri, M. D. Cicco, M. Diaz, P. A. Diederichs, F. Golemo, R. Hristov, L. Hsu, Y.-W. Huang, C.-H. Hung, Q.-S. Jia, J. Kindle, D. Lapandic, C.-L. Lu, S. Mallya, B. Mehta, A. Neff, E. Nice, Y.-H. Ou, A. Qbaich, J. Quack, C. Ruch, A. Sigal, N. Stolz, A. Unghia, B. Weber, S. Wilson, Z.-X. Xia, T. V. Yasin, Nivethan, Yogarajah, J. Zilly, Y. Bengio, T. Zhang, H.-C. Wang, S. Soatto, M. Egerstedt, and E. Frazzoli. (2018) "The AI Driving Olympics at NIPS 2018," RSS Workshop on New Benchmarks, Metrics, and Competitions for Robotic Learning, Pittsburgh. Paper

  • T.-K. Chuang, N.-C. Lin, J.-S. Chen, C.-H. Hung, Y.-W. Huang, Chunchih Teng, Haikun Huang, L.-F. Yu, Laura Giarre, and H.-C. Wang*. (2018) "Deep Trail-Following Robotic Guide Dog in Pedestrian Environments for People who are Blind and Visually Impaired - Learning from Virtual and Real Worlds," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Australia. Paper Video

  • H.-C. Wang*, R. Katzschmann, S. Teng, B. Araki, L. Giarré, and D. Rus.(2017) "Enabling Independent Navigation for Visually Impaired People through a Wearable Vision-Based Feedback System," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Singapore. Paper

  • L. Paull, J. Tani, H. Ahn, J. Alonso-Mora, L. Carlone, Y. Chen, C. Choi, S.-Y. Liu, M. Novitzky, J. Pazis, G. Rosman, V. Varricchio, H.-C. Wang, D. Yershov, M. Benjamin, S. Karaman, E. Frazzoli, D. D. Vecchio, D. Rus, J. P. How, J. Leonard, H. Zhao, and A. Censi. (2017) "Duckietown: an Open, Inexpensive and Flexible Platform for Autonomy Education and Research," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Singapore. Paper

  • D. Jeon, N. Ickes, P. Raina, H.-C. Wang, and A.-P. Chandrakasan (2016) "A 0.6V, 8 mW 3D Vision Processor for a Navigation Device for the Visually Impaired," IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), San Francisco, USA. Paper

  • H.-C. Wang, C. Finn, L. Paull, M. Kaess, R. Rosenholtz, S. Teller, and J. Leonard (2015) "Bridging Text Spotting and SLAM using Junction Features," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Hamburg, Germany. Paper

  • A. Anderson, E. Fischell, T. Howe, T. Miller, A. Parrales-Salinas, N. Rypkema, D. Barrett, M. Benjamin, A. Brennen, M. DeFillipo, J. Lenoard, L. Paull, H. Schmidt, H.-C. Wang, and A. Yaari (2015) "An Overview of MIT-Olin’s Winning Entry in the Inaugural AUVSI RobotX Competition," 10th Conference on Field and Service Robotics (FSR), Toronto, Canada. (Oral Presentation) Paper

  • H.-C. Wang, Y. Landa, M. Fallon, and S. Teller (2013) "Spatially Prioritized and Persistent Text Detection and Decoding," 5th International Workshop on Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition (CBDAR), Washington D. C., USA. (Oral Presentation) Paper

  • Conference Presentations:

  • H.-C. Wang, R. Namdev, C. Finn, and S. Teller (2014) "Text Spotting for the Blind and Visually Impaired," NSF Young Professional Workshop on Exploring New Frontiers in Cyber-Physical Systems , Washington D. C., USA. (Oral Presentation with Travel Grant).

  • H.-C. Wang, C. Finn, B. Mattinson, R. Namdev, and S. Teller (2013) "Wearable environmental text spotting," Exhibition in Second Andrea Bocelli Foundation Challenges Workshop , MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA.

  • Visual Attention and Scene Perception

    Journal Papers

  • H.-C. Wang, and M. Pomplun (2012) "The Attraction of Visual Attention to Texts in Real-World Scenes," Journal of Vision, 12(6):26, 1–17, 2012. Paper

  • H.-C. Wang, A.-D. Hwang, and M. Pomplun (2010) "Object Frequency and Predictability Effects on Eye Fixation Durations in Real-World Scene Viewing," Journal of Eye Movement Research, 3(3):3, 1-10, 2010. Paper

  • Peer-reviewed Conference Proceeding Papers

  • C.-C. Wu, H.-C. Wang, and M. Pomplun (2013) "The Role of Scene Gist and Spatial Dependency among Objects in the Semantic Guidance of Attention," Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci) , Berlin, Germany. (Accepted as oral presentation, 28%) Paper

  • H.-C. Wang, S.-J. Lu, J.-H. Lim, and M. Pomplun (2012) "Visual Attention is Attracted by Text Features Even in Scenes without Text," Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), Sapporo, Japan. Paper Poster

  • H.-C. Wang, and M. Pomplun (2011) "The Attraction of Visual Attention to Texts in Real-World Scenes," The Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), Boston, USA. (Oral presentation, 32%)

  • A.-D. Hwang, H.-C. Wang, and M. Pomplun (2011) "Semantic guidance of eye movements in real-world scenes," Vision Research , 51, 1192-1205. Paper

  • A.-D. Hwang, H.-C. Wang, and M. Pomplun (2009) "Semantic guidance of eye movements during real-world scene inspection," In Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Oral presentation, 32%)

  • Conference Presentations:

  • H.-C. Wang, and M. Pomplun (2011) "The Attraction of Visual Attention to Texts in Real-World Scenes," Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV), Hong Kong. Poster

  • H.-C. Wang, and M. Pomplun (2011) "How Does Text in Real-World Scenes Attract Attention?," Scene Understanding Symposium (SUnS), Boston, USA.

  • H.-C. Wang, and M. Pomplun (2010) "How Text Attracts Attention in Real-World Scenes," European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Lausanne, Switzerland.

  • H.-C. Wang, A.-D. Hwang, and M. Pomplun (2009) "Object Frequency and Predictability Effects on Eye Fixation Durations in Real-world Scene Viewing," 15th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM), Southampton, UK.

  • Cognitive Models and Reading

    Journal Papers

  • H.-C. Wang, L.-C. Hsu, Y.-M. Tien, and M. Pomplun (2011) "Predicting raters' transparency judgments of English and Chinese morphological constituents using latent semantic analysis," Behavior Research Methods, 46, 1, 284-306, 2011. Paper

  • H.-C. Wang, E. Schotter, B. Angele, J.-M. Yang, D. Simovici, M. Pomplun, and K. Rayner (2013) "Using Singular Value Decomposition to Investigate Degraded Chinese Character Recognition: Evidence from Eye Movements During Reading," Journal of Research in Reading, 36, S35-S50, 2013. Paper

  • H.-C. Wang, M. Pomplun, H.-W. Ko, M.-L. Chen, and K. Rayner (2010) "Estimating the Effect of Word Predictability on Eye Movements in Chinese Reading using Latent Semantic Analysis and Transitional Probability," Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64, 7, 1374-1386, 2010. Paper

  • M.-L. Chen, H.-C. Wang, and H.-W. Ko (2009) "The Construction and Validation of Chinese Semantic Space by Using Latent Semantic Analysis," Chinese Journal of Psychology, 51, 4, 415-435, 2009. Paper Website

  • Peer-reviewed Conference Proceeding Papers

  • P. Plummer, H.-C. Wang, Y.-T. Tzeng, M. Pomplun, and K. Rayner (2012) "A Connectionist Model of Concept Activation during Reading using Latent Semantic Analysis and LandScape Model," In Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), Sapporo, Japan. (Student Travel Award (Top 3%), with 21 awards out of 798 contributions, presented by Patrick Plummer). Paper

  • H.-C. Wang, Y.-M. Tien, L.-C. Hsu, and M. Pomplun (2012) "Estimating Semantic Transparency of Constituents of English Compounds and Two-Character Chinese Words using Latent Semantic Analysis," In Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), Sapporo, Japan.

  • Conference Presentations:

  • H.-C. Wang, E. Schotter, B. Angele, J.-M. Yang, D. Simovici, M. Pomplun, and K. Rayner (2012) "Using Singular Value Decomposition to Investigate Degraded Chinese Character Recognition: Evidence from Eye Movements During Reading," China International Conference of Eye Movements (CICEM), Dalian, China. (Invited Guest Speaker). Slides

  • H.-C. Wang, B. Angele, E. Schotter, J.-M. Yang, D. Simovici, M. Pomplun, and K. Rayner (2011) "Singular Value Decomposition is a Valid Predictor of Stroke Importance in Reading," 16th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM), Marseille, France.

  • H.-C. Wang, Y.-M. Tien, L.-C. Hsu, and M. Pomplun (2010) "The Role of Semantic Transparency in Processing of Two-character Chinese words," Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV ), Taipei, Taiwan. (Student Travel Grant (Top 3%), 5 out of approximately 200 contributions).

  • H.-C. Wang, M.-L. Chen, H.-W. Ko, and W. Kintsch (2007) "Estimating Word’s Predictability on Lexical Processing using Latent Semantic Analysis – Verification from Eye Movement Data," 14th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM ), Potsdam, Germany.

  • H.-C. Wang, M.-L. Chen, and H.-W. Ko (2007) "Modeling and Simulation of Word Identification on Orthographically and Phonologically Similar Words in Context," 46th Annual Conference of the Taiwanese Psychology Association , Tainan, Taiwan. Abstract

  • H.-C. Wang and H.-W. Ko (2007) "Automatically Generated Lessons and Practices of the Knowledge of Chinese Characters and Words," Proceeding of ED-Media (World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications), Vancouver BC, Canada. Paper

  • H.-W. Ko, M.-L. Chen, and H.-C. Wang (2005) "The Role of Word during Reading Expository Text: Evidence from Eye Movement," 13th European Conference on Eye Movements, Bern, Switzerland.

  • Applications in Civil Engineering

    Journal Papers

  • S.-H. Hsieh, P.-P. Tseng, and H.-C. Wang (2006) "An Expert System for Preliminary Aseismic Capacity Estimation of Traditional School Classroom Buildings Using Case-Based Reasoning," Journal of Chinese Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 95-107, 2006.

  • H.-C. Wang , W.-H. Tu, W.-H. Yu, C.-S. Chen, and S.-H. Hsieh (2011) "A Study on E-Teaching/E-Learning Standardization and Courseware Sharing," Bulletin Of The College Of Engineering, National Taiwan University, Vol. 85, pp. 59-68, 2011. Paper

  • Conference Presentations:

  • H.-C. Wang and S.-H. Hsieh (2003) "On Development of a Computer System for Preliminary Aseismic Estimation of School Classroom Building Using Case-Based Reasoning," Proceedings of Asian Pacific Conference on Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS-APCS), Taipei, pp. 146~147.

  • H.-C. Wang and S.-H. Hsieh (2002) "Preliminary Seismic Safety Assessment of School Building Using Case-based Reasoning Technique," Proceedings of 15th KKCNN , Symposium on Civil Engineering, Singapore, pp. 280~284. Paper
